
A few taps online payment service for purchases
from T-Bank . All you need to make a purchase
is a smartphone and internet



  • Secure Usage

    Your card data is securely protected. Payments are processed
    within the T-Bank app, meaning
    your card data is never transmitted elsewhere

  • Convenient Payment

    No need to enter data or wait for SMS confirmation. Payments are made
    with just 1 click

  • Service for 0₽

    No fees other than the commission
    for internet acquiring

How to pay with T-Pay


Easily and quickly
with Payture


LLC 'Payment' performs the functions of a payment aggregator on behalf of T-Bank on the basis of Agreement No. 33.1023/BPA dated 01.12.2023. The contract offer is available
at the link

T-Pay is available to T-Bank cardholders. We connect the payment method
on the client's website ourselves: we request a terminal
in the bank and configure integration,
at the same time, the connection fee
is not charged

Connect online payments
Leave a request to connect or use our product Payture Lite
for a quick start
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